rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla anomala
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla anomala in front of Aciphylla ferox
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea on Blackbirch range
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Awatere Valley Marlborough with Aciphylla aurea in the foreground
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Awatere Valley Aciphylla aurea Spikes
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea Wild Spaniard
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea in full flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea in full flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea on the mountain slope
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
March Fly [Dilophus nigrostigma] pollinating the Aciphylla Flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
March Fly [Dilophus nigrostigma] pollinating the Aciphylla
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea and Celmisias
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea Golden Spaniard
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea Jack's Pass
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea. An excellent year for aciphyllas flowering
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea growing amonst Celmisias on the mountain overlooking the Awatere River
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Closeup of the flower of Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea or Speargrass [very prickly] flowering behind flax plants
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea flowering near the track
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea flowering near the icy cold river
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla colensoi
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla colensoi
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla colensoi near Porters Pass
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla crenulata Homer tunnel