rebecca bowater nature photographer: Map of where our ship 'Isabela' sailed to.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Hood Is. Gardner Bay Galapagos Islands
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Hood Is. Punta Suarez Jan and myself
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Hood Is. Mocking Bird on someones knee
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Heron and Marine Iguana
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Yellow-crowned Heron eating a crab
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Chatham Is Brown Pelican taking off
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Santa Cruz. Brown pelicans at nesting site
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Sanderling on Floreana Is
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Hood Is. Female Yellow Warbler
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Isabela Is. Yellow Warbler male
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Santiago Is. Yellow Warbler bathing
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Genovesa Is. Lava Gull standing on lava