rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan sitting on its nest through the pipe
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan on nest in Nelson, NZ
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black swan by its nest showing eggs
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Swan near nest of eggs
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Watching over their cygnets in the nest
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Parents keeping an eye on their newly born cygnets
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swans parents at the nest of 4 cygnets recently hatched.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swans with Cygnets 24 hours later
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black swan & cygnets a few weeks old
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan with Cygnets
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swans taking off from the estuary
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan's nest with 6 eggs
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan Looking at its Eggs in its Nest
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan by its Nest with 6 Eggs
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swans at their Nest
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan with newly born Cygnets
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Black Swan stretching its wings