rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia alpina
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia Mt Dobson
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia Mt Hutt
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia Mt Dobson
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia augustifolia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia angustifolia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia armstrongii
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia armstrongii
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia bellidioides Arthurs Pass
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia cordatifolia Mt Richmond
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia dallii Mt Arthur Kahurangi NP
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia dubia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia du-rietii Rainbow Skifield
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia gracilenta
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia gracilenta
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia haastia var. haastia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia haastia var. haastia by the stream
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia haastia var. haastia
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia hectorii Homer tunnel
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Large Patch of Celmisia hectorii
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia hectorii
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia hectorii
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia hectorii
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia hieracifolia Ben Nevis
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia hieracifolia var. hieracifolia Mt Murchison
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia incana Jacks Pass
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Celmisia incana