rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Taylor Dam early morning seen on the way to the Awatere Valley
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Taylor Dam Marlborough
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Vineyards in the Awatere Valley Marlborough
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Awatere Valley Marlborough with Aciphylla aurea in the foreground
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Mt Tapuaenuku [2885mts] in the distance from Blackbirch Range Malborough
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Views from top of Blackbirch Range towards Mt Richmond forest park
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Wild Chamois on the mountain
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla glaucescens Wild Spaniards, Speargrasses
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla aurea on Blackbirch range
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Grasshoppers [Paprides nitidus] Mating on an Aciphylla Flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Grasshoppers Mating
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Lax Beetle Selenopalpus aciphyllae
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Aciphylla monroi amongst tussock grasses
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Alpine Garden on scree. Moss, Kelleria, Celmisia & Haastia species
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Anisotome imbricata var. prostrata
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Grasshoppers Mating Brachaspis sp.
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Notothlaspi rosulatum going to seed, 'Penwiper'
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Raoulia bryoides, Vegetable Sheep, Mat Plant Flowering
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Raoulia bryoides in full flower with a lichen over it
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Raoulia grandiflora around moss
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Raoulia grandiflora on Blackbirch range
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Haastia pulvinaris growing on scree
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Haastia pulvinaris in flower with Gentianella and an Anisotome species beside it
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Orbweaver Spider on a Haastia pulvinaris flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Weevil on Haastia pulvinaris
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Viola cunninghamii flowering with Gentianella, Haastia and Scleranthus species
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
'Myosotis saxitilis' by Vegetable Sheep Haastia pulvinaris
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Myosotis saxitilis
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
'Myosotis saxitilis'
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Anaphalioides bellidioides Everlasting Daisy