rebecca bowater nature photographer: This small tree has been growing on this rock for many years
rebecca bowater nature photographer: NZ Convolvulus 'Calystegia soldanella' Sea Bindweed
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Variable Oystercatcher nesting on the beach
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Variable Oystercatcher nesting on the beach
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Pied Shag/Cormorant [note its blue eye]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: NZ Fur Seal showing its flippers
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Granite boulders have been worn into round shapes by the sea.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Turtle Rock, granite rock
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Pohutakawa 'Metrosideros excelsa' tree in flower on a beach
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Granite rock eroded by the sea
rebecca bowater nature photographer: 'Weka' Maori Hen, a flightless endemic bird
rebecca bowater nature photographer: 'Weka' Maori Hen a flightless endemic bird
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Australasian Gannet 'Takapu'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Tonga arches formed many years ago by the erosion of the sea. Taken at low tide
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Tonga arches formed many years ago by the erosion of the sea.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Tonga arches formed many years ago by the sea.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Granite arches on the coastline, seen at low tide from the boat.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: The end of a day when kayakers paddle back to Marahau