rebecca bowater nature photographer: Grey Teal calling out to her babies
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Grey Teal family 'Anas gracilis'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Grey Teal family 'Anas gracilis'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Grey Teal with Ducklings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mallard Ducks Mating on the water.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mallard x Grey Duck Hybrid with Ducklings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mallard x Grey Duck Hybrid Family
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mallard x Grey Duck Hybrid with Ducklings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mallard Duck [female] with her Family
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Spring is here. Mallard Duck and ducklings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Spring is in the air, first ducklings this season
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Hybrid Duck with Duckling
rebecca bowater nature photographer: 20 Mallard Ducklings with 2 Mums
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mallard Ducks and Ducklings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Mrs Mallard with her 10 Ducklings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: NZ Scaup [male on left with yellow eye, female on right]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Pair of NZ Scaup [Male on the left]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: NZ Scaup [male left and centre, female on right]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: NZ Scaup with Ducklings