rebecca bowater nature photographer: Rufous Fantail near the stream
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Golden Whistler [female]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Golden Whistler [male]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brush Turkey having a dust bath
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brush Turkey on a tree stump
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Adult and a young Red-legged Pademelon
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Pair of King Parrots at feeder in Rainforest
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Small Spider's Web on a post
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Horn-billed Friarbird feeding on nectar