jofo2005: Debbie at Café Joe
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Lobster at the Atwater Market
jofo2005: Marche Atwater
jofo2005: Marche Atwater
jofo2005: La Fruiterie Atwater
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Montreal
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Canal de Lachine
jofo2005: Atwater Market
jofo2005: Montreal au marche Atwater
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Montréal
jofo2005: Potatoes cooking!
jofo2005: Sausages cooking
jofo2005: Wild Boar black beer sausage
jofo2005: St Ambroise Pale Ale
jofo2005: Lunch at "Toi, moi et cafe"
jofo2005: My Toulouse Sausage sandwich
jofo2005: Book at Renaud-Bray on St-Denis
jofo2005: Walking along Mont-Royal
jofo2005: Schwatz's Deli
jofo2005: Schwartz's Deli
jofo2005: View through the front window at Schwartz's
jofo2005: Dessert in a shop window
jofo2005: Desserts in a shop window