TikoTak: Minimalisme, sérieusement
TikoTak: Baobabs (3)
TikoTak: Fille avec chat
europeanspaceagency: Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex
junjiaoyama: anemone 9266
TikoTak: Changements climatiques. Inondations
quenoteam: Cethosia hypsea hypsina [Malasia]
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Identifies the Earliest Strands of the Cosmic Web
TikoTak: Voyage dans l'imaginaire
aejosport: Asch abandoned railway station
albert dros: Tree of Darkness
TikoTak: The birds
pomian31: only one......
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Hubble Captures Extraordinarily Bright Interacting Galaxies
albert dros: The Towers of Jewels
TikoTak: Les rhinos retournent à la jungle
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Hubble Observes an In-between Galaxy
quenoteam: Nanoestructuras cristalinas iridiscentes (similares al ópalo) en la pata de un gorgojo Eupholus schoenherri (60x)
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: NASA's Chandra, Webb Combine for Arresting Views: NGC 346
TikoTak: Balade de nuit dans la city pour le rhino
TikoTak: Chapignons hallucinogènes
TikoTak: Les chats en ville
europeanspaceagency: Perspective view 2 of Ascraeus Mons
Thomas de Franzoni: Close Your Eyes
quenoteam: Escamas del ala de la mariposa Urania leilus
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Hubble Spotlights a Swirling Spiral
junjiaoyama: columbine 4766
quenoteam: Uñas de Theodosia nobuyukii
quenoteam: Detalle de las escamas del ala de la mariposa leopardo Cethosia cyane
pomian31: In the garden with Alice.....