USDA Forest Service:
1917. Cross section of decayed top from living Douglas-fir showing top rot and upper surface of conk (Fomes subroseus). Lane County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1921. Swollen knots of Fomes pini on Douglas-fir. Lane County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1921. Fomes pini conks on a living Douglas-fir tree. Lane County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1921. Sporophore of Fomes officinalis. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1927. Detail of swollen knot of Fomes pini on Douglas-fir. Columbia County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1928. Radial view of Douglas-fir wood showing swollen knot and associated decay caused by Fomes pini. Multnomah County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1934. Spore of Fomes laricis on Douglas-fir killed in the 1902 Yacolt Burn. Yacolt, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
1934. Break in fire-killed Douglas-fir showing mycelium of Fomes laricis. Yacolt, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
1935. Fomes pinicola sporophore, top view.
USDA Forest Service:
1935. Fomes pinicola sporophore, end view.
USDA Forest Service:
1935. Fomes pinicola sporophores under surface.
USDA Forest Service:
1935. Fomes pinicola sporophore, profile view.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Deterioration of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Cross-section 32 inches diameter inside bark (DIB) at 32 feet above stump. Criocephalus and Asemum in heart 4-5 inches. Fomes pinicola 4 inches. Stimson Logging area. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Deterioration of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Cross-section 30 inches diameter inside bark (DIB) at 70 feet above stump. Fomes pinicola total penetration 7 inches. Criocephalus in heart 4 inches. Stimson Logging area. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Deterioration of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Cross-section of upper end of log 1, tree number 44, showing damage by Asemum, Criocephalus, and Fomes pinicola. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Deterioration of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Cross-section of upper end of log 1, tree number 44, showing damage by Asemum, Criocephalus, and Fomes pinicola. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Deterioration of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Cross-section of upper end of log 2, tree number 44, showing Ergates in heart 6 inches, Criocephalus 7 inches, and Fomes pinicola 7 inches. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Sporophore of Fomes laricis on windthrown Douglas-fir, down many years. Stimson Logging Company operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1944. Deterioration of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Cross-section 30 inches diameter inside bark (DIB) at 40 feet above stump. Asemum and Fomes pinicola in heart 6 inches. Stimson Logging area. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1960. Sporophore of conk of Fomes pini from old-growth Douglas-fir. Photo taken at Sellwood Lab, Portland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1969. Tree mortality caused by Fomes annosus root disease. Sisters Ranger District, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1970. Cutting a 4 inch diameter western hemlock for stump treatment. Fomes annosus control study.
USDA Forest Service:
1970. Collecting a sample from a western hemlock stump innoculated with Fomes annosus spores four months earlier. Fomes annosus control study.
USDA Forest Service:
1970. Ponderosa pine spore trapping disks. Fomes annosus control study.
USDA Forest Service:
1970. Innoculating a freshly-cut western hemlock stump with Fomes annosus fungal spore suspension. Fomes annosus control study.
USDA Forest Service:
1970. Spraying a freshly-cut western hemlock stump with Urea. Fomes annosus control study.
USDA Forest Service:
1975. Fomes annosus sampling.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1977. Greg Filip. Hemlock Fomes annosus study.
USDA Forest Service:
1977. Greg Filip photographing decay on disc. Hemlock Fomes annosus study.
USDA Forest Service:
1977. Don Goheen applying Borax to a stump as treatment for Fomes annosus.