USDA Forest Service:
1982. Spraying for Swiss needle cast protection at a tree farm. North Plains, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1983. Spraying to control Swiss needle cast.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1983. Spraying to control Swiss needle cast.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1983. Spore trapping for Swiss needle cast.
USDA Forest Service:
1999. Keith Sprengel with Aerial Surveys for Swiss Needle Cast in Western Oregon poster by Alan Kanaskie, Mike McWilliams, Keith Sprengel, Dave Overhulser, and Jack Prukop.
USDA Forest Service:
c.2001. Aerial Surveys for Swiss Needle Cast in Western Oregon, 1996-2001.
USDA Forest Service:
2002. Evaluation & Monitoring of Swiss needle cast in the Oregon Cascades. 3 years (FY 2001 - FY 2003). To provide baseline information on Swiss needle cast in selected stands in the Cascades and monitor SNC infection levels on an annual basis for up to 3
USDA Forest Service:
2013. Oregon Department of Forestry aerial observers Mike McWilliams (left) and Rob Flowers. Swiss Needle Cast Survey.
USDA Forest Service:
2016. Justin Hof (left) and Bob Schroeter. USFS aerial observers with the ODF Partenavia. Swiss needle cast survey. Salem, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
2016. Swiss needle cast near the Middle Nemah River bridge. US 101, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
2016. Swiss needle cast. Stanley Peninsula/Nemah River, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
2016. Swiss needle cast aerial survey. Coos Bay/Florence area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
2018. Western Washington Swiss needle cast (SNC) aerial survey. Symptomatic plantation - lighter colored young Douglas-fir with a brownish tinge. In this photo the Douglas-fir are mixed with alder (light green trees), which are not a host of SNC.
USDA Forest Service:
2018. Western Washington Swiss needle cast (SNC) aerial detection survey. Grays Harbor area, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
2018. Western Washington Swiss needle cast (SNC) aerial detection survey. Clallam area, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
2018. Western Washington Swiss needle cast (SNC) aerial detection survey.