USDA Forest Service:
1910. Baker Forest Protective Association control camp. Northeastern Oregon Bark Beetle Control Project.
USDA Forest Service:
1910. Preliminary training camp. L-R: Woodsman Stockburger, Agent and Expert H.E. Burke, Woodsman J.J. Sullivan, Woodsman Ike Miller, Cruiser-foreman, E.J. Maberry, and Woodsman Henkel. Northeastern Oregon Bark Beetle Control Project.
USDA Forest Service:
1911. Dr. A.D. Hopkins (center) with control crew examining mountain pine beetle infested ponderosa pine. Northeastern Oregon Bark Beetle Control Project. Miner Creek area, Whitman National Forest, near Sumpter, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1911. L-R: F.C. Craighead, George Hofer, and Phil D. Sergent on the summit of the Elkhorn Mountains during a recruise of the control area. Northeastern Oregon Bark Beetle Control Project.
USDA Forest Service:
1912. Bark beetle control crew moves from Northfork Camp to Cayuse Gulch. Craggy Mountain Bark Beetle Control Project. California.
USDA Forest Service:
1912 Insect control methods cartoon.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1912. Bark beetle infested tree felled with blasting powder. Craggy Mountain Bark Beetle Control Project. California.
USDA Forest Service:
1912. View of western yellow pine (ponderosa pine) logs burning to eradicate the Dendroctonus beetle. San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Insect Control Camp. Bark beetles have worked the lodgepole pine and yellow pine in the background. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Sawyers with a cross-cut saw in a lodgepole pine stand infested with mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) marked for cutting. Small yellow pine in left foreground infested with Dendroctonus monticolae. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco Nation
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Treating lodgepole logs for bark beetles. These are the infested logs before slashings are thrown on. Limbs from logs should be piled in order to be burned successfully. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Treating lodgepole logs for bark beetles. These are the infected logs before slashings are thrown on. Limbs from logs should be piled in order to be burned successfully. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Bark beetle infested trees converted to logs and piled with slashings on top and ready for burning. Standing timber in foreground not infested. The treating crew is on the right. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Burning piles of bark beetle infested logs and slash. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1913. Burning piles of bark beetle infested logs and slash. Badger Creek Watershed, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1914. Fire-scorched pines infested with Dendroctonus sp. Colestin, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. "Ghost Forest" - lodgepole pine killed by mountain pine beetle following the 1890s lodgepole needleminer outbreak near Tenaya Lake, Yosemite National Park, California.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1916. Large sugar pine tree (Pinus lambertiana) attacked and killed by mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus monticolae). "370 years old. Killed by Beetles in one year." Treated by Park Ranger Adair. Yosemite National Park, California.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Screened insect cage attached to a living ponderosa pine tree to capture emerging insects. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. P. Sergent with ponderosa pine and Dendroctonus brevicomis (western pine beetle) insect study cage. Muslin cage was used to force beetles to attack freshly-cut yellow pine log. Near Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. F.Paul Keen inside Dendroctonus brevicomis (western pine beetle) insect study cage used to force beetles to attack a green log. The upper log is infested with bark beetles. Near Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1918. P.D. Sergent with insect cage. Trap cage used to attract and trap flying bark beetles. Fresh resin was heated over a spirit lamp inside the cage. The heated resin was intended for attraction. Very few beetles entered the cage. Mistletoe, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1918. Treating sugar pine for mountain pine beetle. Yosemite National Park, California.
USDA Forest Service:
1919. Using a peeling spud to remove tight bark from infested tree. Dendroctonus beetle control. Sequoia National Park, California.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Western pine beetle insect cage on ponderosa pine. Jenny Creek, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Scouting and mapping areas of beetle kill from a high point. Jenny Creek, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Removing ponderosa pine bark infested with western pine beetle and burning it in a pit to prevent spread of beetle control fire. Western pine beetle control. Jenny Creek, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Peeling infested pine bark preparatory to burning. Beetle control. Jenny Creek, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Burning for western pine beetle control. In this method the bark is peeled from the log and falls on both sides of it. It is then burned without further attention. This method is only applicable when fire hazard is low. Jenny Creek, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Felling ponderosa pine. Western pine beetle control. Jenny Creek, Oregon.