USDA Forest Service:
1961. Starting point of 1961 giant earth slide that extended for about half mile to the Pacific Ocean. Large numbers of spruce and hemlock were carried with the slide. Little or no insect damage resulted. Ecola State Park. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1961. Starting point of giant earth slide that extended for about half mile to the Pacific Ocean. Large numbers of spruce and hemlock were carried with the slide. Ecola State Park. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1961. Starting point of giant earth slide that extended for about half mile to the Pacific Ocean. Large numbers of spruce and hemlock were carried with the slide. Ecola State Park. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1961. Land slide at Ecola State Park. Little or no insect activity resulted. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1961. Land slide at Ecola State Park. Little or no insect activity resulted. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1961. Land slide at Ecola State Park. Little or no insect damage resulted. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1963. Starting point of Ecola State Park slide. Earth, trees, etc. slid into the ocean in 1961. Bark beetle damage from the mass of damaged spruce, Douglas-fir, and other trees was expected but did not materialize. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1963. End of Ecola State Park slide. Earth, trees, etc. slid into the ocean in 1961. Bark beetle damage from the mass of damaged spruce, Douglas-fir, and other trees was expected but did not materialize. Cannon Beach, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1963. End of Ecola State Park slide. Earth, trees, etc. slid into the ocean in 1961. Bark beetle damage from the mass of damaged spruce, Douglas-fir, and other trees was expected but did not materialize. Cannon Beach, Oregon.