USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplet patterns. Beltsville Lab, Maryland.
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1 gallon (1 pound DDT) per acre. Large drops (300 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/4 gallon (1/4 pound DDT) per acre. Large drops (300 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/10 gallon (1/10 pound DDT) per acre. Large drops (300 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/2 gallon (1/2 pound DDT) per acre. Small drops (80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 2 gallons (2 pounds DDT) per acre. Large drops (300 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 2 gallons (2 pounds DDT) per acre. Small drops (80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 3/4 gallon (3/4 pound DDT) per acre. Large drops (300 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/2 gallon (1/2 pound DDT) per acre. Large drops (300 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1 gallon (1 pound DDT) per acre. Small drops (80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 3/4 gallon (3/4 pound DDT) per acre. Small drops (80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1 gallon (1 pound DDT) per acre. Large and small drops (300 and 80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/4 gallon (1/4 pound DDT) per acre. Small drops (80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/10 gallon (1/10 pound DDT) per acre. Small drops (80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 2 gallons (2 pounds DDT) per acre. Large and small drops (300 and 80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 3/4 gallon (3/4 pound DDT) per acre. Large and small drops (300 and 80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/2 gallon (1/2 pound DDT) per acre. Large and small drops (300 and 80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets. 1/4 gallon (1/4 pound DDT) per acre. Large and small drops (300 and 80 microns).
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplets at center of swath and 50 feet from center of swath.
USDA Forest Service:
1950. DDT spray droplet deposits at 100 feet from center of swath and 150 feet from center of swath.
USDA Forest Service:
1955. Card spray checker, Orin Johnson, lays card on strip to check spray deposit by airplanes on spruce budworm control project. The cards are laid out at 5 chain intervals at right angles to the spray path. Boise National Forest, Idaho.
USDA Forest Service:
1955. Checking spray card to determine the amount of insecticide reaching the ground. Spruce budworm control project. Bitterroot National Forest, Montana.
USDA Forest Service:
1955. R. Beck with spray check plate. Western spruce budworm control project. Ochoco control unit, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1955. Dye-treated 4.25 x 5 inch cards used to check DDT spray deposits. Before spraying (left) and after spraying (right). Western spruce budworm control project. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1956. Spray card used to check spray deopsition. Spruce budworm control project. Lolo NF, MT.
USDA Forest Service:
1958. W. Klein and Benton Howard evaluate spray deposit cards. Western spruce budworm control project. Baker Unit, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1958. Unit biologist W. Klein checking spray deposit card on Baker Unit. Spruce budworm control project. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1962. DDT on oil-sensitive spray deposit cards. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
1962. Assistant biologist K.M. Paproke checks DDT spray deposit on oil-sensitive dye cards. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service:
1962. K.M. Paproke checks DDT spray deposit on oil-sensitive dye cards. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.