USDA Forest Service: 1909. Natural size detail photo of mistletoe on lodgepole pine. Wallowa National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1909. Natural size detail photo of mistletoe on red fir. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1917. Cross section of decayed top from living Douglas-fir showing top rot and upper surface of conk (Fomes subroseus). Lane County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: c.1920. An enormous redwood burl from which beautiful finishing lumber is sawed. California.
USDA Forest Service: 1921. Swollen knots of Fomes pini on Douglas-fir. Lane County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1921. Fomes pini conks on a living Douglas-fir tree. Lane County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1921. Sporophore of Fomes officinalis. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1921. Advanced stage of brown trunk rot in Douglas-fir heartwood. Multnomah County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1927. Detail of swollen knot of Fomes pini on Douglas-fir. Columbia County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1928. Radial view of Douglas-fir wood showing swollen knot and associated decay caused by Fomes pini. Multnomah County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: c.1930. Falling an infested ponderosa pine tree. The undercut shows dark stains in sapwood caused by blue-stain fungi, which develops soon after the western pine beetle attacks the tree. CA..
USDA Forest Service: 1932. Blue stain in ponderosa pine which was not associated with insects. Sisters, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1932. Blue stain in ponderosa pine which was not associated with insects. Sisters, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1932. Giant puffball - 10" diameter. Compare with apple for size. Lycoperdon. Fremont National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1934. Break in fire-killed Douglas-fir showing mycelium of Fomes laricis. Yacolt, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1934. Spore of Fomes laricis on Douglas-fir killed in the 1902 Yacolt Burn. Yacolt, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Lenzites sepiaria sporophores on fire-killed Douglas-fir limb.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Lenzites sepiaria sporophores on fire-killed Douglas-fir limb.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Polyporus abietinus sporophores.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Fomes pinicola sporophore, end view.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Fomes pinicola sporophore, profile view.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Fomes pinicola sporophore, top view.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Fomes pinicola sporophores under surface.
USDA Forest Service: 1936. Enormous sporophore on 24" sugar maple. Top of tree has broken out within the last two or three years. 2 sec. F-15 LV=6. Lake States Forest Experiment Station, Minnesota.
USDA Forest Service: 1936. M-1. Stand improvement Douglas-fir. Plot 1. Cross section of defective hemlock trunk showing entry of decay through rotten limb. Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Fir false mistletoe, Razoumofskya occidentalis abietina. Notice twig swelling and scanty foliage. On lowland white fir at Sen. McNary's farm. Salem, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Witches' broom caused by fir false mistletoe, Razoumofskya occidentalis abietina on lowland white fir at Sen. McNary's farm. Salem, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Diseased tree. Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1939. Myrtle burls. Chetco River Road. Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1939. Echodontium tinctorum conks on small western hemlock at full-timbered station. Priest River Experimental Forest, Idaho.