USDA Forest Service:
1902. Seated (L-R): H.E. Burke, Asst. Forest Expert; J.L. Webb, Asst. Forest Expert; and A.D. Hopkins, in charge of Forest Insect Investigations. Standing is F.C. Pratt. In the first forest entomology office in the old insectary, USDA. Washington, DC.
USDA Forest Service:
1914. Cones from which adult moths have emerged. Barbara colfaxiana. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1914. Hymenoptera. Callimomidae. Megastigmus pinus. Pupae and adults. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1914. Cone insect Lonchaea veridana larvae, puparia, adult. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1914. Dioryctria abietella. Larvae, cocoons, and pupae.
USDA Forest Service:
1915. Hymenoptera. Cynipidae. Cynipid sp. Gall insects in Quercus sp. - white oak.
USDA Forest Service:
1915. Larvae and pupae of Megasitigmus pinus in breeding cells. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1915. Adult Megastigmus spermatrophus ovipositing in Douglas-fir cone. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Megastigmus albifrons adult ovipositing eggs in cone. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Adult of Megastigmus pinus ovipositing in young white fir cone. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1916. Transformation of large cone maggot from larvae to adult.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1915. In F.P. Keen's Cone and Seed Insects of Western Forest Trees (USDA Technical Bulletin 1169), this image is Figure 52 on page 149. The caption reads, "Adults of the fir coneworm Dioryctria abietella."
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Hymenotera. Callimomidae. Megastigmus albifrons. Pinus ponderosa. Hymenoptera development. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1916. Chrysophana placida (flatheaded cone borer) larva in Knobcone pine cone. Fig. 154 on page 260 in Furniss and Carolin. 1977. Western Forest Insects.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Ptinidae larvae. Pinus jeffreyi cone.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Curculionidae. Balaninus sp. Larvae in Quercus californica acorns.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Thysanocnemis larva in Fraxinus sp. seed pods.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Monochamus maculosus wood borer larvae in galleries in pine wood.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Hymenopterous gall maker in twig of black oak. Ashland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Buprestidae. Melanophila drummondi. Flatheaded fir borer larva, papae in galleries.
USDA Forest Service:
1916. Lepidoptera. Tischeriidae. Arbutus madrona leaf miner.
USDA Forest Service:
1917. Hymenoptera. Ichneumonidae. Glypta sp. Seed insects.
USDA Forest Service:
1921. Pandora moth (Coloradia pandora) pupae in natural position when they were uncovered in pumice soil. Klamath Indian Reservation. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Coloradia pandora (Pandora moth) egg cluster on ponderosa pine needle.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Coloradia pandora (Pandora moth) egg cluster on bark.
USDA Forest Service:
1924. Coloradia pandora (Pandora moth) full grown caterpillar. Calimus Butte, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Coloradia pandora (Pandora moth).
USDA Forest Service:
1924. Braconid parasites on dead Coloradia pandora (Pandora moth) larva.
USDA Forest Service:
1926. Monterey pine weavil damage. Curculionidae. Pissodes radiatae Hopk. (pupal cells within). Pinus radiata.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1926. Buprestidae, general. Malanophila gentilis; Buprestis aurulenta; Chrysophana placida; Chalcophora angulicollis; Anthaxia aneogaster; Chrysobothris monticola; Dicera tenebrosa.