USDA Forest Service: 1931. Wesley Grey and mechanic. Hemlock looper control project. Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties, WA.
USDA Forest Service: 1931. Western hemlock looper control project. Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1931. Western hemlock looper control project. Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1931. Western hemlock looper control project. Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1932. Autogyro at Summit Meadows. Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1932. Autogyro at Summit Meadows. Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1936. First of 7 views of tree-spraying autogyro. Loaded by hose from tank truck with lead arsenate and fish oil solution - for control of tent caterpillar and gypsy moth. Massachusetts.
USDA Forest Service: 1936. Tree spraying autogyro. Closeup of atomizer, showing conical screen aft of delivery tube, mounted on shaft rotated by after propeller, with forward propeller mounted freely on shaft. Massachusetts.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Central Aircraft Waco airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Waco airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Waco airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Waco airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Waco airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Waco airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Servicing airplane. Hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Two airplanes awaiting refill. Hemlock looper project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1947. Johnson Flying Service Ford Trimotor "Tin Goose". Douglas-fir tussock moth control project in northern Idaho.
USDA Forest Service: 1947. Central Aircraft's Stearmans lined up for loading with spray. Douglas-fir tussock moth control project. Northern Idaho.
USDA Forest Service: 1947. Johnson Flying Service C-47. Northern Idaha Douglas-fir tussock moth control project.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. N3N-3 Navy Trainer bi-plane leaving the Sanford Airport and heading for the burned area to spread another hopper load of the white pine seed-saw dust "mix". Maine.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Bell helicopter. Western spruce budworm control project. Kinzua area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Central Aircraft's Travelaire 4000 discharging DDT spray over budworm-infested forest. Western spruce budworm control project. Kinzua area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Helicopter and tank truck. Western spruce budworm control project. Kinzua area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Bell helicopter used on western spruce budworm control project. Pilots Vern Montgomery and Tommy Hall (left) and Al Lindsten (right) of the Oregon State Board of Forestry. Kinzua area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Travelaire 4000 airplane used on western spruce budworm control project. Pilots John Wear (left) and Olson. Kinzua area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. N3N-3 airplane used in the PNW for first aerial detection surveys and photo flights in 1947. Pilot John F. Wear (back) and Hessig. Lower wing blocking forward and down visuals made surveying from this aircraft challenging. Portland, OR.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. N3N-3 airplane used in the Pacific Northwest for first aerial detection surveys and photo flights in 1947. Pilot John F. Wear (back) and Hessig. Lower wing blocking forward and down visuals made surveying from this aircraft challenging. Portland, OR
USDA Forest Service: 1948. N3N-3 airplane used for first aerial detection surveys and photo flights in 1947. Portland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1949. B-18, three Stearmans, and spray loading equipment. Mt. Hood area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1949. BT-19 outfitted for spray. Western spruce budworm control project. Mt. Hood area, Oregon.