USDA Forest Service: 1919. Map of lodgepole pine needle miner (Recurvaria milleri) infestation areas in Yosemite National Park. California. Figure 4 in "Life History of the Lodgepole Pine Needle Miner."
USDA Forest Service: 1920. Scouting and mapping areas of beetle kill from a high point. Jenny Creek, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: c.1926. Scouting an Infested Area. From a lookout point, the spotter counts fading, sorrel, and red trees and notes their location on a map. Western pine beetle Infestation in Blue Canyon, Sierra National Forest, California.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Page 19. BarkBeetle Enemies of California Forests. Prepared by the USDA Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in cooperation with the State Emergency Relief Administration - Project 3F-2-302 and the Emergency Educational Program. Berkeley, CA.
USDA Forest Service: 1922. Compassman at work in the field. Western pine beetle control. Number 3. Southern Oregon Northern California control project.
USDA Forest Service: 1922. Spotting crew at work in a beetle infested area. Spotter on the right has just numbered a tree and has called the number to the compassman who is locating it on the section plat. Spotter on left is looking for another infested tree. SONC control.
USDA Forest Service: 1932. Map showing 1932 western pine beetle infestation in the ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1932-1933. Map showing areas sampled for Dendroctonus brevicomis winter mortality in the ponderosa pine type in Washington, Oregon, and California.
USDA Forest Service: 1935. Map showing areas sampled for Dendroctonus brevicomis winter mortality in the ponderosa pine type in Washington, Oregon, and California.
USDA Forest Service: 1936. Map showing distribution of Dendroctonus brevicomis and Dendroctonus barberi in relation to average annual minimum temperature.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Map showing boundaries of Tillamook Burn.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Map showing boundaries of Tillamook Burn and areas salvaged through 1937.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Map showing boundaries of Tillamook Burn and location of sampling areas.
USDA Forest Service: 1939. A Brief Review of Forest Insect Problems in the Pacific Northwest. Page 8. Figure 3. Map of Major Projects 1938-1939. Forest Insect Laboratory, Portland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1940. Enrollee Paul Van Ostrand has become skilled in the use of the pantograph, an instrument which permits the enlargement or reduction of maps to a desired scale. Maps are indispensable wherever the lay of the country must be known.
USDA Forest Service: 1947. Original 1947 aerial survey reporting map of the Blue Mountain region showing areas of western spruce budworm (BS) and Douglas-fir tussock moth (TM) defoliation.
USDA Forest Service: 1947. Original 1947 aerial survey map of the Whitman National Forest showing areas of western spruce budworm (BS) defoliation.
USDA Forest Service: 1947. Map of areas sprayed with DDT north and east of Moscow Idaho. Douglas-fir tussock moth control project.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Map of western spruce budworm aerial spray test plots. Heppner Ranger District, Umatilla National Forest. Oregon, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Division of Forest Insect Investigations.
USDA Forest Service: 1949. L-R: Amos Smeltzer (USFS), Walter J. Buckhorn (BEPQ), Ace Deemers, and John F. Wear (BEPQ) checking western spruce budworm spray areas on Mt. Hood project map. Mt. Hood area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1949. John F. Wear (left, standing; BEPQ), Ace Demers, Walter J. Buckhorn (BEPQ - kneeling, right - pointing), and Amos Smelzer by progress map of western spruce budworm control project. Mt. Hood area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1950. Western spruce budworm control project. Operations tent at the Meacham air strip. Paul Dennis talking over FM portable radio to Pendleton. Aerial photo mosaic and spray progress map. Umatilla National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1950. Ranger Joe Gjertson briefing pilot Joe Miller of Johnson Flying Service, Missoula, Montana. Paul Dennis of the Whitman National Forest holds small map. Western spruce budworm control project. Umatilla National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1950. W. McCambridge and B. Finley of BEQP working on maps of infested areas which served as guides for control work. Engelmann spruce bark beetle control project. Arapaho NF, CO.
USDA Forest Service: c.1952. Locating disease control areas on a map. Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1952. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (BEPQ) Cessna 170-B with pilot John F. Wear on reconnaissance survey. Douglas-fir beetle/blowdown survey. Willamette National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1952. Aerial crews preparing maps and equipment in ready-room before starting the day's run. 1952 Blowdown and Bark Beetle Survey. Eugene, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1952. Map 1. Area mapped 100% blowdown and beetle-killed timber. Area mapped 100% beetle-killed timber and 12.5% for blowdown.
USDA Forest Service: 1952. Map 2. Intensity of Blowdown in Areas Covered by The Survey. Classification is based on approximate number of acres per square mile on which 10% or more of the stand is recent blowdown. The data is generalized for min. areas of about 3,500 acres.
USDA Forest Service: 1952. Map 3. Intensity of tree-killing by the Douglas-fir bark beetle in western Oregon and southern Washington in 1951. Volume in gross board feet Scribner. The data have been generalized for minimum areas of about 1,000 acres from 1"-per-mile scale maps