USDA Forest Service:
1912 Insect control methods cartoon.
USDA Forest Service:
1917. William Douglas Edmonston. Forest entomologist and artist. Colorado Springs, Colorado.
USDA Forest Service:
1920. Illustration for paper "Life History of the Lodgepole Pine Needle Miner." Recurvaria milleri.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of the Pine Butterfly (Neophasia menapia Felder).
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows seasonal history of Coloradia pandora (Pandora moth) on yellow pine (ponderosa pine).
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston illustrates the life history of the Rocky Mountain Tiger Moth.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of the New Mexico fir looper.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Phloeosinus cristatus (Lec.) and Phloeosinus cupressi (Hopk.) - drawing shows number and arrangement of spines on females and males.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Phloeosinus cristatus (Lec.) and Phloeosinus cupressi (Hopk.) - drawing shows number and arrangement of spines on females and males.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1924. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows wood-borer Zootermopsis.
USDA Forest Service:
1928. Buprestis gibbsi. Adult. Photo enlarged and detailed.
USDA Forest Service:
1928. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of the lodgepole pine needletyer.
USDA Forest Service:
1928. Drawing showing the life history of the Monterey pine sawfly.
USDA Forest Service:
1928. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston depicts life-cycle and habitat of Pissodes murrayana Hopk.
USDA Forest Service:
1928. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston of Pacific flathead borer life history.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1929. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of the Pandora moth 1929-1931.
USDA Forest Service:
1929. Drawing of Halysidota argentata (Pack).
USDA Forest Service:
1929. Drawing of Tetropium abietis (Fall).
USDA Forest Service:
1930. Drawing shows the life history of the California peach borer in cherry laurel.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of oak clear-wing.
USDA Forest Service:
1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of Monterey pine scale.
USDA Forest Service:
1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows various leaf scales.
USDA Forest Service:
1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmontston shows the life history of spittle bugs on Monterey pine. Aphrophora permutata Uhler.
USDA Forest Service:
1932. Drawing shows the life history of the irregular pine scale Toumeyella pinocola Ferris.
USDA Forest Service:
1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of the Sycamore leaf blotch miner.
USDA Forest Service:
1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows the life history of the Cypress twig moth.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1932. Drawing by W.D. Edmonston shows seasonal history of Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1934. Drawing shows Ips radiatae Hopk. Egg gallery, larval mines and pupal cells on surface of sapwood of pine.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1934. Drawing shows some western bark beetles injurious to native and planted trees used for ornamental and recreational purposes.
USDA Forest Service:
c.1934. Drawing shows primary egg gallery, larval mines, and pupal cells of Ips oregoni (Eich.) on surface of sapwood of pine.