USDA Forest Service: 1936. Tillamook Burn - timber that burned in 1933. Interstate Logging Company, felled near landing. Section 1, Unit 6.
USDA Forest Service: 1936. Donkey and partially-prepared spar tree. Tillamook Burn. Interstate Logging Company.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Small group of green trees surrounded by dead timber. Wilson River area. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Large Douglas-firs killed along the Wilson River. Asemum atrum in heart 1" at basal saw cut. Tillamook Burn, OR.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Coates logging road. Tillamook Burn, OR.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Interstate Logging Company donkey. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Interstate Logging Company spar tree. Tillamook Burn, OR.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Fire-killed Douglas-fir. Consolidated Timber Company Railroad. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Long horned beetles. Criocephalus asperatus.
USDA Forest Service: 1937. Cross section of top end of Log 1, Douglas-fir tree number 23. Douglas-fir deterioration study. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Map showing boundaries of Tillamook Burn.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Map showing boundaries of Tillamook Burn and areas salvaged through 1937.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Map showing boundaries of Tillamook Burn and location of sampling areas.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Logging donkey. Consolidated Timber Company tract. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Tops of fire-killed Douglas-fir. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Donkey engine. Interstate Logging Company. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Fire-killed Douglas-fir left uncut in Tillamook Burn because of excessive Criocephalus damage.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Donkey engine. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loading log truck with a shovel. Coates operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loading log truck with a shovel. Coates operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loaded truck on Coates operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Rigging the spar tree. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Fire-killed Douglas-fir showing remarkably little deterioration. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Fire-killed Douglas-fir. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Fallers undercutting fire-killed Douglas-fir. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loading log truck. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loaded log truck. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loaded log truck on steep grade. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Loaded log truck on steep grade. Meehan operation. Tillamook Burn, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1938. Night fire in the slash on the Consolidated Timber Company salvage operation in the 1933 Tillamook Burn on the south line of Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 6 West. Tillamook County, Oregon.