USDA Forest Service: 1945. W.J. Buckhorn (left) and R.L. Furniss examining hemlock looper collecting tray. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1945. Collecting tray being examined by Robert L. Furniss. Western hemlock looper control project. Clatsop County, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1948. Cloth collecting tray beneath an infested fir, used to sample western spruce budworm fall following DDT spray. Western spruce budworm control project. Kinzua area, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1950. Herb White, biologist, examining western spruce budworm infested buds on branch. Western spruce budworm control project. Umatilla National Forest, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1955. Field crew making spruce budworm population counts. Baker District, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1955. Peter Frost divides budworm larvae into instars to determine spray readiness. Spruce budworm control project. Boise National Forest, Idaho.
USDA Forest Service: 1955. Gordon Moore inspects clipped branch samples for larvae. Spruce budworm control project. Boise National Forest, idaho.
USDA Forest Service: 1955. Insect checkers G. Wise (left) and R. Rensil examining 15 inch twigs for western spruce budworm larvae that survived DDT spray. Ochoco control unit, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1955. Insect checker R. Rensil clipping 15 inch twigs for examination of western spruce budworm that survived DDT spray application. Western spruce budworm control project. Ochoco control unit, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1957. General view of Kawishiwi insect laboratory personnel checking spruce branches for spruce budworm masses. Kawishiwi Ranger District, Superior National Forest, Minnesota.
USDA Forest Service: 1957. A method of sampling an 18-inch western hemlock twig for black-headed budworm eggs. V. Carolin (left) and C. Williams. Sellwood Lab. Portland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. Peter Orr counts spruce budworm larvae that have broken hibernation. Sellwood Lab. Portland, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. Field crew collecting budworm larvae. Jon Hessle, Doc Hughes, Ned Kuenzi. Blue Mt. Summit, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. Insect checker Jon Hessle collecting spruce budworm larvae to determine development. Western spruce budworm control project. Blue Mt. Summit, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. "Checker's kit." Western spruce budworm control project.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. W. Klein examines a 15-inch Douglas-fir twig for spruce budworm larvae. Western spruce budworm control project. Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. Opal Burford (left) and Oreta Baxter (right) search for spruce budworm egg masses. Union Ranger Station. Union, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. R.G. Mitchell making Chermes population counts with sling-attached microscope. Willamette Pass, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. Forest entomologist Paul E. Buffam making population counts of Chermes (Balsam woolly adelgid). Microscope is held by a sling attached to the tree. Willamette Pass, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1958. Forest entomologist Paul E. Buffam making population counts of Chermes (Balsam woolly adelgid). Microscope is held by a tripod. Willamette Pass, Oregon.
USDA Forest Service: 1959. Left to right: G. Fagerness, W. Klein, R. Browne, and V. Carolin examine ponderosa pine foliage for spruce budworm eggs.
USDA Forest Service: 1959. G. Fagerness examining ponderosa pine foliage for spruce budworm eggs.
USDA Forest Service: 1961. Dave McComb checking collections. European pine shoot moth control. Bellevue, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1962. Sorting western spruce budworm larvae. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1962. Counting spruce budworm larvae. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1962. Collecting spruce budworm larvae. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1962. Assistant biologist K.M. Paproke determining larval development. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1962. Assistant biologist K.M. Paproke determining larval development. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1962. Assistant biologist K.M. Paproke determining larval development. Western spruce budworm control project. Goldendale, Washington.
USDA Forest Service: 1963. Counting looper eggs. Hemlock looper control project. Willapa Bay, Washington.