iamps2001: Oh my! This bird already flew away!
iamps2001: An American goldfinch drops to gain speed!
iamps2001: This bird decides to stay a moment...
iamps2001: An American goldfinch in mid air!
iamps2001: This blur of a bird exits to the right!
iamps2001: A black-capped chickadee takes to the air upon release!
iamps2001: A white-breasted nuthatch at the moment of release...
iamps2001: A black-capped chickadee drops to gain some speed!
iamps2001: A black-capped chickadee takes to the air!
iamps2001: An American goldfinch ...
iamps2001: ... waits a moment...
iamps2001: ... before going back to the wild.
iamps2001: A black-capped chickadee heads back to the woods.
iamps2001: This bird is out of here!
iamps2001: A black-capped chickadee is captured on take-off!