Images from the Dark Side:
Dawn over Sgurr nan Gillean
Images from the Dark Side:
Fairy Pools
Images from the Dark Side:
The long and winding road
Images from the Dark Side:
The Tortoise
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
Winter's Grip
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
The long walk
Images from the Dark Side:
There is always one!
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
Doing well
Images from the Dark Side:
Tallisker II
Images from the Dark Side:
The Bridge (explored 7/3/19 #1)
Images from the Dark Side:
Fairy Pools
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
An alternative view
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
Catching the light
Images from the Dark Side:
Talisker III
Images from the Dark Side:
Sligachan Bridge
Images from the Dark Side:
That Castle
Images from the Dark Side:
Great Herdsman of Etive
Images from the Dark Side:
Through the mist
Images from the Dark Side:
From the Archive
Images from the Dark Side:
Darkness falling
Images from the Dark Side:
Nature's Beauty
Images from the Dark Side:
Images from the Dark Side:
Neist Point