Pinoy Fritz:
Neumühle water weir
Pinoy Fritz:
Cooling water of the Danube
Pinoy Fritz:
Carpet of flowers on the Danube
Pinoy Fritz:
Swan on the Danube
Pinoy Fritz:
Danube Valley ⑳⑲
Pinoy Fritz:
the last rays of sun in the valley or the blue corner
Pinoy Fritz:
Donaubrücke Hausen im Tal
Pinoy Fritz:
Dietfurt ruins on the Danube
Pinoy Fritz:
Reflections on the Danube
Pinoy Fritz:
Weir in the Danube Valley
Pinoy Fritz:
Walking at Mist
Pinoy Fritz:
Pinoy Fritz:
autumn reflection on the Danube
Pinoy Fritz:
Autumn Colors
Pinoy Fritz:
Danube weir in Sigmaringen
Pinoy Fritz:
Pinoy Fritz:
protected and loved
Pinoy Fritz:
On command
Pinoy Fritz:
Pinoy Fritz:
Pinoy Fritz:
Sunbeams at the forest edge
Pinoy Fritz:
Across the bridge
Pinoy Fritz:
Castle Werenwag
Pinoy Fritz:
Danube Valley (D)
Pinoy Fritz:
Full moon over Sigmaringen Castle
Pinoy Fritz:
Schloss Werenwag (edited)
Pinoy Fritz:
Pinoy Fritz:
Sigmaringen Castle b/w
Pinoy Fritz:
St. Agatha Chapel Neidingen 17th century
Pinoy Fritz:
after sunset on the Danube