Roman Willi Photography: Ascalapha odorata has fallen victim to Akanthomyces sp. Codyceps
Roman Willi Photography: Mantis religiosa
Roman Willi Photography: Common woodlouse (Oniscus asellus)
Roman Willi Photography: Evarcha arcuata
Roman Willi Photography: Huntsman spider (Olios spec.) with prey
Roman Willi Photography: Moth (Geometridae)
Roman Willi Photography: Epeiroides bahiensis
Roman Willi Photography: Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans) ♂
Roman Willi Photography: Mimetica spec. (Leaf-mimicking katydid)
Roman Willi Photography: Salamander (Bolitoglossa lignicolor)
Roman Willi Photography: Fishing spider (Trechalea spec.)
Roman Willi Photography: Northern cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira septentrionalis)
Roman Willi Photography: Thomisus onustus juvenile (Crab spider)
Roman Willi Photography: Thaumasia spec. with prey
Roman Willi Photography: Rainforest Crabs
Roman Willi Photography: Itata completa
Roman Willi Photography: Amplexus of Toads (Incilius aucoinae)
Roman Willi Photography: Fishing spider (Trechalea spec.)
Roman Willi Photography: Jumping spider (Xanthofreya cf. bicuspidata)
Roman Willi Photography: Whipspider (Paraphrynus laevifrons)
Roman Willi Photography: Savage's thin-toed frog (Leptodactylus savagei)
Roman Willi Photography: Lemur leaf frog (Agalychnis lemur)
Roman Willi Photography: Boulenger's snouted tree frog (Scinax boulengeri)
Roman Willi Photography: Northern Tamandua (Tamandua mexicana)
Roman Willi Photography: Vermiculated treefrog (Trachycephalus vermiculatus)
Roman Willi Photography: Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops asper)