martin.garrett: DSC_0761.JPG
martin.garrett: jeff and ru bid farewell the to bus
martin.garrett: approaching the newport bridge
martin.garrett: DSC_0767.JPG
martin.garrett: bus + bridge
martin.garrett: fillet of sign
martin.garrett: mighty gus at the mighty rogue
martin.garrett: inside said red cylinder
martin.garrett: rogue brewery
martin.garrett: DSC_0779.JPG
martin.garrett: DSC_0782.JPG
martin.garrett: DSC_0784.JPG
martin.garrett: too big to paddle out (3)
martin.garrett: DSC_0786.JPG
martin.garrett: DSC_0787.JPG
martin.garrett: DSC_0788.JPG
martin.garrett: DSC_0790.JPG
martin.garrett: coos bay bridge
martin.garrett: coos bay bridge (closer)
martin.garrett: DSC_0794.JPG
martin.garrett: coos bay bridge (swallowed up)
martin.garrett: still on the road at night
martin.garrett: note the bullet holes
martin.garrett: first night camping
martin.garrett: the van's cozy interior
martin.garrett: too small to paddle out (1)
martin.garrett: too small to paddle out (2): patrick's point
martin.garrett: key for scale
martin.garrett: windy trinidad
martin.garrett: humboldt north jetty (almost) too big to paddle out