MEH '89: IMG_3617 walking in Solo LLoyd Pugh
MEH '89: IMG_3639 Pugh takes ball - 2nd international game
MEH '89: IMG_3642 Morgan driving to goal
MEH '89: IMG_3644 Morgan shot - pre tackle
MEH '89: IMG_3645 Morgan being tackled post shot - goalie on Def -
MEH '89: IMG_3647 lloyd on ball - opposing player on
MEH '89: IMG_3652 - shot - Morgan driving to Goalie - ball above
MEH '89: IMG_3694 Lloyd driving ball - Heath foreground
MEH '89: IMG_3695 Lloyd driving ball - heath foreground
MEH '89: IMG_3698 Lloyd on ball
MEH '89: IMG_3706 Morgan wants the ball-Pugh cross short
MEH '89: IMG_3739 Morgan shot - 1st score
MEH '89: IMG_3740 Morgan 1st score
MEH '89: IMG_3779 Ohara tripped flying
MEH '89: IMG_3791 Madeline at USWNT semi finals against Trinidad
MEH '89: IMG_3808 tobin heath
MEH '89: IMG_3814 Heath taking ball
MEH '89: IMG_3815 Heath protecting ball
MEH '89: IMG_3818 tobin heath on ball
MEH '89: IMG_3823 goalie defense
MEH '89: IMG_3841 Press with ball in front of net
MEH '89: IMG_3844 Morgan over ball--front of net
MEH '89: IMG_3855 Alex Morgan in front of net fighting to make 3rd goal
MEH '89: IMG_3860 Alex Morgan third score - Hat trick
MEH '89: IMG_3881 Press shot
MEH '89: IMG_3882 Goalie save -Press shot