MEH '89: IMG_2279 Huerta OSullivan close in
MEH '89: IMG_2009 Daly on ball
MEH '89: Incoming - Ertz Hagen - National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) game
MEH '89: Schwartz IMG_7343
MEH '89: IMG_2152 JJ Ertz kicked ball
MEH '89: IMG_3784 D2 Wrestling close up- March to the Brazos 29 April, 2017
MEH '89: 3. JJ Ertz v Daly - National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) game
MEH '89: IMG_2445 Daly score-no one could have stopped it
MEH '89: IMG_3664 chase and tackle
MEH '89: IMG_3678 Guidon bearer
MEH '89: IMG_5053 Schwart - additional edits5
MEH '89: Critique IMG_7558 "dare to be different flower" high color tight crop
MEH '89: DSCF2408 water self portrait
MEH '89: IMG_1185 Alex Miller re edited
MEH '89: IMG_1227 Alex Miller re-edited
MEH '89: IMG_9978 Jojo
MEH '89: IMG_7492 AHodges sitting BB pout up close suntan real tight
MEH '89: IMG_1232 Alex Miller
MEH '89: IMG_5804 trees afire
MEH '89: IMG_3784 D2 wrestle -March to the Brazos 29 April, 2017
MEH '89: Huerta OSullivan - National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) game
MEH '89: IMG_3662 I1 - chase and tackle IMG_3664 chase and tackle -March to the Brazos 29 April, 2017