justinswallace: Where is the spaceship?
justinswallace: Babyface
justinswallace: legs and hands EVERYWHERE!
justinswallace: mmmm... more ice cream
justinswallace: mmmm....ice cream
justinswallace: Before the trip
justinswallace: They know how to paddle?
justinswallace: Not on purpose
justinswallace: I don't know, which way SHOULD we go?
justinswallace: Full steam ahead
justinswallace: Our lifeguard
justinswallace: Joe Cool
justinswallace: The Spanish never had an armada like this one!
justinswallace: Along for the ride.
justinswallace: Is that an alligator? Nope, just a dad.
justinswallace: Man overboard
justinswallace: Hooking a ride
justinswallace: Water ballet?
justinswallace: We all live in a yellow kayak.
justinswallace: At least he's got a lifejacket.
justinswallace: The next generation of pointers
justinswallace: Going down fast
justinswallace: Post ride
justinswallace: Is there an exorcist in Florida?
justinswallace: Grandma and Debbie
justinswallace: Grandpa and Sarah
justinswallace: The mini-massage therapist