freakdogsuncle: View North from Sutton Bank Infrared to monochrome
freakdogsuncle: Ainderby Steeple N. Yorks infrared
freakdogsuncle: The view north from Sutton Bank N. Yorkshire
freakdogsuncle: The view west from Sutton Bank N. Yorkshire
freakdogsuncle: Ansel Adams ??
freakdogsuncle: Clouds over Neath - Port Talbot
freakdogsuncle: Infrared at Chepstow Castle and Tintern Abbey
freakdogsuncle: Infrared at Chepstow Castle and Tintern Abbey
freakdogsuncle: Infrared at Chepstow Castle and Tintern Abbey
freakdogsuncle: Infrared at Chepstow Castle and Tintern Abbey
freakdogsuncle: Infrared at Chepstow Castle and Tintern Abbey
freakdogsuncle: Steve Castle in infrared
freakdogsuncle: Infrared wave, river Wye
freakdogsuncle: Steve Castle taking infrared.