SholtoDouglas: 260 washboard roads
SholtoDouglas: 170 between Coyhaique and Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 172 between Coyhaique and Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 173 between Coyhaique and Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 176 between Coyhaique and Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 178 brutal hill going up to Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 179 Laguna Chiguay, Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 180 Claudia and Ralph in campsite, Cerro Castille Nat Park
SholtoDouglas: 184 road going down to Cerro Castille
SholtoDouglas: 185 Cerro Castille mountain, overlooking Villa Cerro Castille
SholtoDouglas: 190 hill leaving Villa Cerro Castille
SholtoDouglas: 192 end of the asphalt, about 10km from Villa Cerro Castille
SholtoDouglas: 195 looking down Ibanez valley
SholtoDouglas: 198 looking down Ibanez valley
SholtoDouglas: 199 horsemen, Ibanez valley
SholtoDouglas: 212 Rio Murta flowing into Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 214 on road along Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 217 Lago Murta from road
SholtoDouglas: 218 self at Pudu campsite just outside Rio Tranquillo
SholtoDouglas: 220 self on boat to Marble Caves
SholtoDouglas: 222 Marble Caves, Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 226 Marble Caves, Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 228 kayakers at Marble Caves
SholtoDouglas: 231 Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 232 typical Carretera scene
SholtoDouglas: 234 river flowing into Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 236 self at junction of Lago Bertrand and Lago General Carrera
SholtoDouglas: 237 Lago Bertrand
SholtoDouglas: 238 Lago Bertrand
SholtoDouglas: 242 self at join of Rios Baker and Neff