rens copal: AAAK1243204, "The Seducer"
rens copal: K1245511 The warm weather makes even the horses languid !
rens copal: K1246132, " How Dew You Do ? "
rens copal: K1241654 "When The setting sun covers the Hoge Veluwe under a golden blanket ......."
saxon1952: Highland Cow and Calf Kinnordy Angus
dgangle: Wood Duck Drake - head on
Laval Roy: 1.06429 Podarge de Ceylan (femelle) / Batrachostomus moniliger / Sri Lanka Frogmouth
mikeculley591: BS8I4765
Laval Roy: 1.03922 Pédionome errant (femelle) / Pedionomus torquatus / Plains-wanderer
Laval Roy: Orignal (femelle) / Alces alces / Moose
Laval Roy: 1.25861 Grive à dos olive (immature) / Catharus ustulatus swainsoni / Swainson's Thrush
Laval Roy: 1.10087 Grand Pic (mâle) / Dryocopus pileatus abieticola / Pileated Woodpecker
Laval Roy: 1.00446 Fuligule à tête rouge (type femelle) / Aythya americana / Redhead
Laval Roy: 1.21687 Roitelet à couronne rubis / Corthylio calendula calendula / Ruby-crowned Kinglet Great tit
Laval Roy: 1.26163 Merle d'Amérique / Turdus migratorius migratorius / American Robin
Laval Roy: méduse / jellyfish
Laval Roy: 1.10879 Perruche royale / Alisterus scapularis scapularis / Australian King-Parrot
Laval Roy: 1.02119 Héron vert / Butorides virescens virescens / Green Heron
Laval Roy: 1.30845 Chardonneret jaune / Carduelis tristis tristis / American Goldfinch
Laval Roy: 1.29733 Junco ardoisé / Junco hyemalis hyemalis / Dark-eyed Junco
Laval Roy: 1.29733 Junco ardoisé / Junco hyemalis hyemalis / Dark-eyed Junco
lennycarl08: Foggy Fall on the Kennebec
Laval Roy: 1.29724 Bruant à couronne blanche / Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys / White-crowned Sparrow
Tom Kilroy: Old New Hampshire Farm in Autumn Colors
mishaleppert: African lioness 8 Grey Squirrel
Chris/Cav: Poorly Common Seal Pup. Skegness Beach towards Gibraltar Point. Reported to Rescue Service as the local Seal Sanctuary hospital is full.