cloolis101: Getting a round in before the rains come.
cloolis101: Saying goodbye to the sun for another day
cloolis101: A beautiful and imposing building
cloolis101: The blues were amazing
cloolis101: Seeing this house brought a lot of wonderful feelings
cloolis101: Sugar-snap peas---yum
cloolis101: As seen from my bedroom window
cloolis101: Birds and books
cloolis101: Hoops and Yo-Yo dreamin big
cloolis101: Granddaughter scoring a goal
cloolis101: Love to watch these birds (sand pipers?} hunting for food.
cloolis101: Unwind
cloolis101: Spinning
cloolis101: My kind of RR crossing
cloolis101: Sprout and spray
cloolis101: Stacked deck
cloolis101: Game of Life
cloolis101: Green leaf in white snow
cloolis101: Started to macrame a few weeks ago and can't stop. Very relaxing.
cloolis101: author Anna Quindlen says, “Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.”
cloolis101: That one's mine
cloolis101: White dome, blue skies
cloolis101: Oh to be young. 28* weather.
cloolis101: Dreamers
cloolis101: Feather art
cloolis101: Flip-flops. Living in a state that snows 1/4 of the year makes wearing these year round tough.
cloolis101: Some paintbrushes that I should probably use more than I have been.
cloolis101: A couple of grannies
cloolis101: Flamingo in snow