ttycmac: 7-CNV26.jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV23.jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV17a.jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV17.jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV13a.jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV13.jpg
ttycmac: Huayna Picchu (the 'young peak').jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV08.jpg
ttycmac: 7-CNV07.jpg
ttycmac: Cusco - Plaza de Armas.jpg
ttycmac: The cathedral in Cusco.jpg
ttycmac: Cusco.jpg
ttycmac: At the top of Dead Woman's Pass!.jpg
ttycmac: The view from the top.jpg
ttycmac: 6-CNV37.jpg
ttycmac: Misty mountains on the morning of day 3.jpg
ttycmac: More mist. More mountains..jpg
ttycmac: More mist. More mountains. More steps.jpg
ttycmac: Looking back on Dead Woman's Pass.jpg
ttycmac: Runkuracay.jpg
ttycmac: The food on the final night..jpg
ttycmac: Ruins of Phuyu Pata Marca.jpg
ttycmac: More steps (en route to the Sun Gate).jpg
ttycmac: First view from the Sun Gate.jpg
ttycmac: Paddington and Machu Picchu!.jpg
ttycmac: From just below the Sun Gate.jpg
ttycmac: Getting closer ....jpg
ttycmac: and closer ....jpg
ttycmac: Yet more mountains. Still the Andes.jpg
ttycmac: Cactus.jpg