quietpurplehaze07: past its best - maybe
quietpurplehaze07: white agapanthus
quietpurplehaze07: alder tree beetle in action
quietpurplehaze07: hobbies and passions
quietpurplehaze07: the table laid for lunch
quietpurplehaze07: the fountain in the pond
quietpurplehaze07: a subtle scent of lavender
quietpurplehaze07: morning clouds
quietpurplehaze07: pink strip
quietpurplehaze07: one of the last
quietpurplehaze07: the swan's space
quietpurplehaze07: copper sunflower petals, a spider's web... explored
quietpurplehaze07: just me and my camera
quietpurplehaze07: out of the box
quietpurplehaze07: tickling the tastebuds
quietpurplehaze07: a sunny start
quietpurplehaze07: red and silver coils with silver hearts
quietpurplehaze07: a pot of pink hyacinths
quietpurplehaze07: Netley Abbey
quietpurplehaze07: 100% paper
quietpurplehaze07: seaside sunset
quietpurplehaze07: relax - maybe have a siesta......
quietpurplehaze07: in the cherry orchard
quietpurplehaze07: marzipan and mini choc eggs
quietpurplehaze07: Maritime Art Gallery.................explored
quietpurplehaze07: double yellow tulip
quietpurplehaze07: a lovely walk around South Pond
quietpurplehaze07: of pansies and roses