quietpurplehaze07: chaenomeles in red
quietpurplehaze07: pussy willow in a blue sky
quietpurplehaze07: a view from Scotney Castle, Kent
quietpurplehaze07: a crowd of daffodils
quietpurplehaze07: for afternoon tea
quietpurplehaze07: first notes
quietpurplehaze07: purple pulsatillla in spring
quietpurplehaze07: the Mother’s Union banner
quietpurplehaze07: an impression of the flowers at the pub
quietpurplehaze07: bottlebrush blooms unfurling
quietpurplehaze07: bluebell in the beech wood
quietpurplehaze07: new green on green
quietpurplehaze07: a touch of yellow
quietpurplehaze07: up close and personal
quietpurplehaze07: flower and bee
quietpurplehaze07: small and blue
quietpurplehaze07: stages of a yellow magnolia
quietpurplehaze07: a cottage garden
quietpurplehaze07: colour me green
quietpurplehaze07: a gathering of sunflowers
quietpurplehaze07: burnt orange
quietpurplehaze07: Henry and Florence
quietpurplehaze07: prima donna
quietpurplehaze07: nasturtium - explored
quietpurplehaze07: ornamental gourds
quietpurplehaze07: sunshine yellow
quietpurplehaze07: orange in the dahlia field
quietpurplehaze07: two by two
quietpurplehaze07: callicarpa