arlene sopranzetti: Foggy Winter Morning
arlene sopranzetti: Merry Christmas To All!
arlene sopranzetti: Fish House
arlene sopranzetti: X marks the spot
arlene sopranzetti: Christmas in Cape Porpoise
arlene sopranzetti: Pitcher's Plate
arlene sopranzetti: A Humble Skiff
arlene sopranzetti: Machine Shop
arlene sopranzetti: The Dog Days of Summer
arlene sopranzetti: Shaped by Wind
arlene sopranzetti: Portrait of an Astronomer
arlene sopranzetti: Lawrence's Warbler
arlene sopranzetti: Week 8 Composition: Leading Lines
arlene sopranzetti: Frosty Leaves
arlene sopranzetti: 2019 Lunar Eclipse
arlene sopranzetti: Week 37 Composition: Eye Lines
arlene sopranzetti: Wooden Skiff
arlene sopranzetti: Ladybug Visits Queen Anne
arlene sopranzetti: Soldier Fly
arlene sopranzetti: Week 7 Composition:Fill The Frame
arlene sopranzetti: Week 33 Composition:Figure to Ground
arlene sopranzetti: Seaside Sparrow
arlene sopranzetti: Flip Flops
arlene sopranzetti: Yellow Coneflower
arlene sopranzetti: Common Grackle Watercolor
arlene sopranzetti: Laughing Gulls