15038: 20130503 006 Epernay. 15003 Approaches With Train 839116, 06.36 St Dizier-Paris Est
15038: 20090317 001 Vitry-le-François. 15014 Train 839178, 06.38 Saint-Dizier - Paris Est
15038: 20070605 005 Bar-le-Duc. 15005 'SAINT-LOUIS' With Corail Train 1700, 06.57 Nancy-Paris Est
15038: 20041104 014 Épernay. 15028 'VILLIERS-LE-BEL' Train 1702, 08.10 Nancy-Paris Est
15038: 20110630 010 Paris Nord. 15007
15038: 20070131 029 Paris Est. 15009 And An Unidentified CC 72100 Await Their Respective Departure Times
15038: 20070304 002 Epernay. 15062 'MONTMÉDY' Train 1627, 16.21 Paris - Charleville-Mézières
15038: 20070705 002 Epernay. 15009 Train 883913, 08.35 To Châlons-en-Champagne
15038: 20070604 041 Basel SBB. 16512 Propels 15040 'LIVRY-GARGAN' Towards EC96
15038: 20041106 030 Paris Est. 15056 'VANNES' With 72148 'HAUTE-SAÔNE'
15038: 20110630 002 Nameplate 15026 'ÉPERNAY'
15038: 20070605 012 Toul. 15009 With Corail Train 1501, 08.03 Paris Est-Strasbourg
15038: 20050216 010 Épernay. 15023 'MEAUX' Arrives With Train 1501 Paris Est - Strasbourg
15038: 20081023 006 Paris Est. 15009 And 15018 'BONDY'
15038: 20041102 005 Luxembourg. 15064 'SAVERNE' Has Taken Over EC97 12.15 Bruxelles-Midi - Chur
15038: 20061031 012 Epernay. 15019 'MONTIGNY-LÈS-METZ' Slows To Stop With Train 1501, 08.03 Paris Est-Strasbourg
15038: 20041104 020 Épernay. 15002 'LONGWY' Hurries Eastwards With 12.49 Paris Est-Strasbourg
15038: 20140719 010 Paris Est. 15002 Has Just Arrived With Train 839102, 09.33 ex Bar-le-Duc
15038: 20070129 001 Mulhouse. 15043 'MAIZIÈRES-LÈS-METZ' Waits With Train 1602, 04.53 Mulhouse-Strasbourg-Paris Est. At Strasbourg The Train Will Combine With EN262, 'The Orient Express', For The Run To The Capital
15038: 20071210 003 Paris Est. 15003
15038: 20061101 006 Paris Est. 15019 'MONTIGNY-LÈS-METZ', 15008 'NANCY' and 15048 'HAGUENAU'
15038: 20080804 002 Paris Est. 15012 'CHÂLONS-SUR-MARNE'
15038: 20110630 006 Nameplate 15058 'ÉPINAL'
15038: 20130503 017 Bar-le-Duc. 15007 Train 839104, 11.33 to Paris Est
15038: 20160421 029 Paris Nord. 15055
15038: 20061115 002 Strasbourg. Nameplate 15044 'SUIPPES'
15038: 20070607 012 Paris Nord. 15030 'FORBACH' Between Duties
15038: 20090315 003 Paris Est. 15012 'CHÂLONS SUR MARNE'
15038: 20070705 001 Paris Est. 15009 Train 883913, 08.35 To Châlons-en-Champagne
15038: 20110629 006 Paris Est. 15017 Train 839103, 08.35 to Châlons-en-Champagne