davidtoussaint93: Pur instant de Sérénité !
Nanard VASSEL: Cerf 12 cors Lozère. Souvenirs brame 2022.
tofbuis: DSC_9448_DxO
BerColly: Le héron cendré | Grey heron
dom67150: Grande aigrette - Great egret
Bernard Fabbro: cincle plongeur / white-throated dipper 24F_5789
Whistletown Wilds Thanks for two million views: SLSLR9452-Golden-crowned Kinglet
Nata_lia_2022: Canada goose
johnatkins2008: Red Kite 05/05/24.
Anton Farm: Bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus)
sallywagnerhale: The Lookout = HSS
George.Peteraitis: Z92_0966-.jpg
dwb838: GBH with itch on branch
davidtoussaint93: cascade vosgienne
Qi En Low: Zanzibar Red Bishop
galkojan: News from the Anton Lakes
dwb838: Great Blue Heron stretching
papy53: bourrache officinale
papy53: sterne pierregarin;
mirage 31: Souimanga en plumage de transition
Vincent Billotey: Rencontre
Vincent Billotey: Rencontre
Vincent Billotey: Rencontre
Nanard VASSEL: Mouflons chamois Sancy avril 2024 (35)
Nanard VASSEL: Cerfs biches 2021. Maman biche et son faon.
Bernard Fabbro: cincle plongeur / white-throated dipper 24F_5073
ROL/Photos: Weaver's fritillary, violet fritillary (la Petite Violette)
BerColly: Le héron cendré | Grey heron
Ferdinand23: Orchis pourpre.