Sarah Capone: Joshie in Long Island
Sarah Capone: Corn Crib, Southold, Long Island
Sarah Capone: Ice House
Sarah Capone: Me at the Ice House
Sarah Capone: Josh at the Beach
Sarah Capone: Stairway to Horton Point Light house
Sarah Capone: Horton Point Lighthouse
Sarah Capone: Horton Point Lighthouse
Sarah Capone: Yummy Beer at the Founder's Tavern in North Fork
Sarah Capone: Northfork Table and Inn
Sarah Capone: Me at the Northfork Table and Inn
Sarah Capone: Joshie and I at dinner at the Northfork Table and Inn
Sarah Capone: Somewhere in Long Island
Sarah Capone: Upside down Apple
Sarah Capone: Maple Flan...My favorite!
Sarah Capone: Coffee Toffee IC Sandwhich
Sarah Capone: Pumpkin Cheesecake
Sarah Capone: Southold Library
Sarah Capone: Me at the Southold Library
Sarah Capone: Little Schoolhouse
Sarah Capone: Me at the Algonquin
Sarah Capone: Pie at Lombardi's
Sarah Capone: Pizza oven at Lombardi's
Sarah Capone: Smile...You're at Lombardi's
Sarah Capone: Stackhouse
Sarah Capone: Intersection
Sarah Capone: Dinner at Blue Hill
Sarah Capone: Me at Blue Hill