Coisroux: Nest of Fringilla coelebs
Coisroux: Ploceidae
Coisroux: The sun on my wings
Coisroux: Above the busy streets
Coisroux: Ascending Transcendence...
Coisroux: Within the deep forest trees..
Coisroux: The Fieldfare thrush
Coisroux: Homes of the skies
Coisroux: Send Forth the High Falcon
Coisroux: Aluco's wisdom in time
Coisroux: Weaver in the tree
Coisroux: The waterfowl pair
Coisroux: on the fence....
Coisroux: Step 1 : Apply mud mask
Coisroux: Bird on the wire...
Coisroux: Recluse
Coisroux: Lakeside Fulica Atra - Eurasian Coot
Coisroux: Sparkling on the pond...
Coisroux: Rushed moment in time
Coisroux: Trochilidae
Coisroux: Click...
Coisroux: Elevate.....
Coisroux: The look....
Coisroux: Elevation
Coisroux: Ardea alba
Coisroux: Geronticus eremita
Coisroux: The horizons beyond...
Coisroux: Beginnings.....
Coisroux: Cooling down
Coisroux: Splash!