Jörg Schulte: weggepustet
BrigitteE1: Bonnie Bear SoS
frankvanroon: Macro Mondays - Zipper
Jasrmcf: Sony a7r2 sony 90mm 2.8 g macro
manxelalvarez: CADA XOVES UNHA FLOR.
Stefan - Pictures: Rheinhafen
13skies: Problems (SoS)
_Jehanmi: MACRO MONDAYS | Handmade
Flerschemer: Handmade
Stefan - Pictures: Hahn in voller Farbenpracht
Stefan - Pictures: Der Wolf im Wald
marcmarcoripoll: _DSC6478m
Stefan - Pictures: small group of mushrooms
Stéphane Champaloux: Les frères jumeaux
Werner Demming: Nordholland_VI
vinsebecker: misty morning - smile on saturday
Cor Oosterbeek: reflection on black
Richard Lee Bledsoe: Anna's Hummingbird
Allan James Fisher: Cardiff Bay, Wales...
vinsebecker: Passionsfalter
jean louis billault: _MG_7340car20x20
Friedrich Beren: 41.1 Austria Panorama
- AdelheidS Photography -: Cascais, lighthouse and villa, Portugal (explored)
Emma Varley: time for Spring
Karsten Gieselmann: Cinderella's staircase
Calamityg: Threesame
_Oh my god Greta_: Sign for, it wasn't tasty ?
rachelylucia: DSC00457
Jackie ...: A bunch of roses ...