redwoodhistorypics: Delhi mill foreclosed Sept 1899
redwoodhistorypics: Delhi fire contract 1947
redwoodhistorypics: Cedar Rock Ranch Bob Starr April 1967
redwoodhistorypics: WWI letter from Sherwood Leslie of Delhi Nov. 6, 1918-2
redwoodhistorypics: WWI letter from Sherwood Leslie of Delhi Nov. 6, 1918
redwoodhistorypics: Stewart, (McMICHAEL_ Margare Feb. 1908-2t
redwoodhistorypics: Engine stuck by Delhi Feb. 1888
redwoodhistorypics: Delhi train blows up Oct. 1894
redwoodhistorypics: Delhi School War work Feb. 1943
redwoodhistorypics: delhi Scan-130609-0012
redwoodhistorypics: Delhi Mill leased to Backer Feb. 1894