robertdixon4: Blue-winged Teal Portland Fairgrounds 3/23/13
robertdixon4: Hooded Merganser / Redhead Burying Hill Beach Westport 3/8/15
robertdixon4: Ross's Goose Broad Brook Mill Pond 1/4/16
robertdixon4: Pink-footed Goose Fisher Meadows Rec. Area Avon, Ct. 1/4/16
robertdixon4: Cackling Goose Fisher Meadows Rec, Area Avon, Ct. 1/4/16
robertdixon4: Ring-necked Ducks Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 1/27/16
robertdixon4: Wood Ducks (On the new pond) Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 4/24/16
robertdixon4: Tundra Swan Trustom Pond NWR 2/5/17
robertdixon4: Bufflehead Saybrook Pt. Marina 2/18/17
robertdixon4: Brant Harkness SP Waterford, Connecticut 2/18/17
robertdixon4: Canada Geese Adults & juveniles Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 5/27/17
robertdixon4: Canada Geese (juveniles) Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 5/27/17
robertdixon4: Female Mallard with young. Mansfield Hollow SP 7/23/17
robertdixon4: Wood Duck (female) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Wood Ducks (female & three juveniles) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Common Eider - Great Island Common, Newcastle, N.H. 8/12/17
robertdixon4: Common Eider - Great Island Common, Newcastle, N.H. 8/12/17
robertdixon4: Mallards - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 9/17/17
robertdixon4: Common Eider - Cape Neddick - 10/10/17
robertdixon4: Common Eider - Cape Neddick - 10/19/17
robertdixon4: Corm's & Eiders - Cape Neddick - 10/10/17
robertdixon4: Wood Duck - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 10/13/17
robertdixon4: Wood Ducks - West Thompson Lake - 10/16/17
robertdixon4: Wood Ducks - West Thompson Lake - 10/16/17
robertdixon4: Gadwall - Saybrook Pt. marina - 1/19/16
robertdixon4: Ring-necked Ducks - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 1/27/16
robertdixon4: Snow Goose - Sterling Pond - 12/17/17
robertdixon4: Snow Goose - Sterling Pond - 12/17/17
robertdixon4: Snow Goose - Sterling Pond - 12/17/17
robertdixon4: Snow Goose - Sterling Pond - 12/17/17