robertdixon4: Purple Martins Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 5/7/16
robertdixon4: Black-crowned Night Heron Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 4/27/17
robertdixon4: Northern Rough-winged Swallow Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 5/18/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin (established colony with banded male) Canterbury, Connecticut 5/18/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin at nest site. Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 6/24/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 6/24/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 6/24/17
robertdixon4: Bank Swallows - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/2/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin with Dragonfly - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/8/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martins - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/30/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martins - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/30/17
robertdixon4: Juvenile Barn Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/30/17
robertdixon4: Juvenile Barn Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/30/17
robertdixon4: Juvenile Barn Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 7/30/17
robertdixon4: Tree Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martins - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martins (adult male / female & juvenile) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin (juvenile) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martin (adult male) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martins (adult males) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Purple Martins (adult males) - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery 8/5/17
robertdixon4: Barn Swallows - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 10/8/17
robertdixon4: Tree Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 3/31/18
robertdixon4: Tree Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 3/31/18
robertdixon4: Tree Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 3/31/18
robertdixon4: Barn Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 4/5/18
robertdixon4: Tree Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 4/8/18
robertdixon4: Tree Swallow - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 4/8/18
robertdixon4: Purple Martin - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 4/15/18
robertdixon4: Purple Martin - Quinebaug Fish Hatchery - 4/21/18.