alisonhalliday: People chilling out at a cafe in the Grainger Market, Newcastle upon Tyne
alisonhalliday: Grainger Market, Newcastle upon Tyne
alisonhalliday: Seen in Grainger Market, Newcastle upon Tyne
alisonhalliday: Dr Who dalek - Gateshead Toy Fair
alisonhalliday: Safety catch on charm bracelet - Macro Mondays
alisonhalliday: Newcastle Quayside - image tweaked (maybe over tweaked?) with Affinity programme
alisonhalliday: A stamp celebrating the 1960 Olympic Games - Macro Monday - hobby - stamp collecting
alisonhalliday: Macro Monday - Brew
alisonhalliday: By the banks of the river Tyne.
alisonhalliday: Jesmond Dene, Newcastle upon Tyne
alisonhalliday: Seagull - Leazes Park. Newcastle upon Tyne
alisonhalliday: Cliche Saturday - cats on a hot tin roof
alisonhalliday: A mini orange on my plant
alisonhalliday: Across the river Mersey, Liverpool