jasenhigdon: The bee
jasenhigdon: macro of a fly
jasenhigdon: Tiny Butterfly
jasenhigdon: Macro grasshopper
jasenhigdon: extreme close up of flower
jasenhigdon: Cicada Killer Wasp(Sphecius speciosus)
jasenhigdon: Fiery Skipper feeding
jasenhigdon: Grasshopper teture
jasenhigdon: Macro Grasshopper 2
jasenhigdon: Macro Wasp
jasenhigdon: proboscis in flower
jasenhigdon: waiting for dinner
jasenhigdon: big butterfly on a llittle flower
jasenhigdon: flower and ladybug-1
jasenhigdon: Ladybug and flowers-3
jasenhigdon: spider on her flower
jasenhigdon: Contrasting colors and shadows.
jasenhigdon: The inner part of the flower is amazing. All the lines coming from the center and the anther at the end of the stamen look like they are glowing.
jasenhigdon: Dragonfly
jasenhigdon: A tiny Hairstreak butterfly, you would think it would be on a flower that had bloomed.
jasenhigdon: jumping spider
jasenhigdon: downward damselfly
jasenhigdon: Butterfly
jasenhigdon: Dragonfly
jasenhigdon: Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly
jasenhigdon: Blue Dasher Dragonfly
jasenhigdon: Assassin fly
jasenhigdon: Assassin fly b&w
jasenhigdon: Bagworm getting lunch
jasenhigdon: Bagworm with its clipping