the gladdings: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
the gladdings: Red Shouldered Hawk
the gladdings: Blue wing Teals
the gladdings: Anhinga
the gladdings: Vermilion Flycatcher
the gladdings: Little Blue Heron
the gladdings: House finches
the gladdings: Juvenile cardinal
the gladdings: Song sparrow
the gladdings: House finch
the gladdings: Turkey vulture on Pitner Road
the gladdings: Brown Pelican
the gladdings: Seagull 2
the gladdings: Western Meadowlark
the gladdings: Green Heron
the gladdings: Red wing Blackbird
the gladdings: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
the gladdings: Black-Billed Magpies
the gladdings: Northern Flicker
the gladdings: American Robin
the gladdings: Sage Thrasher?
the gladdings: Sandhill cranes
the gladdings: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
the gladdings: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
the gladdings: White Tailed Hawk
the gladdings: Inca dove
the gladdings: Yellow Throated Warbler
the gladdings: Downy Woodpecker
the gladdings: Yellow-Crowned Night Heron