John Steedman:
IMG_0219a Lizard
John Steedman:
IMG_0265 Butterfly in Lihi
John Steedman:
IMG_0220 Moth on euphorbia
John Steedman:
Brandt's mountain Finch in the snow at Thorung La Pass (5416 metres)
John Steedman:
Butterfly - Chocolate pansy - Junonia iphita/Precis ephita
John Steedman:
IMG_0129a Cricket?
John Steedman:
Butterfly - Large Silverstripe - Childrena childreni
John Steedman:
IMG_4234 Hemipteran
John Steedman:
IMG_4242 Beetle
John Steedman:
IMG_4250 Moth
John Steedman:
Mayfly (in April!)
John Steedman:
IMG_4259 Moth
John Steedman:
IMG_4262 Moth
John Steedman:
IMG_4277 Insect
John Steedman:
Looking sheepish in Jagat
John Steedman:
IMG_4285 Fly
John Steedman:
IMG_4287 Pigeon
John Steedman:
IMG_4293 Moth
John Steedman:
IMG_4295 Moth
John Steedman:
Butterfly - Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
John Steedman:
IMG_0185 Caterpillar
John Steedman:
IMG_0488 Caterpillar
John Steedman:
Oriental Garden Lizard, Calotes versicolor - female?
John Steedman:
John Steedman:
Mating beetles on a wild strawberry flower - Byturus tomentosus (Byturidae)
John Steedman:
IMG_0579 Beetle profile
John Steedman:
IMG_0457 Moth
John Steedman:
IMG_0463a Woodlouse?
John Steedman:
IMG_0468 Ant?
John Steedman:
Yak on the trail on the way to Tilicho Base Camp